BNH Associates are specialists in providing a wide range of witness statements, whatever the circumstances of the case. Whether by way of a face to face interview or over the telephone, you can be assured of receiving an in-depth statement covering all the salient points necessary to support your case.
Our statements comprehensively cover all aspects of liability enabling blame to be conclusively identified. We also cover all areas of quantum from effects on home life, work and social life through to psychological issues and financial losses.
We have knowledge of credit hire issues and all of our statements deal with need, rate, period and impecuniosity. We identify online and face to face hire so that the ‘Right to Cancel’ is covered. We are also able to cross-reference all relevant hire documents. The net result is a comprehensive credit hire statement that will stand up to any challenge by defendants.
Our experience in accidents occurring abroad is extensive. On many occasions we have been asked, at short notice, to prepare statements from huge numbers of clients concerned in a joint action. We understand what is important with such claims and are able to cross-reference and exhibit documents as required.
We understand the particular complexities of clinical negligence cases and can provide details in a structured, chronological order.
We have developed knowledge of industrial disease matters and the need to enquire of the client details of employment and working practices.
Basically, from RTA to supporting care statements through to complex probate cases, BNH has the experience and are here to help. We also understand that each solicitor will have their own particular requirements with regards to statement content and we will work with you to understand those requirements and ensure that you receive exactly what you require. We supply attendance notes with each statement and can also provide credibility reports.